
2023年2月23日20:10:15 发表评论 957 views

一 关于此行目的'和行程安排

1. 您为什么去美国?(去美国的目的是什么?)What are you going to America for? what is the purpose of your trip?What is your purpose for the visa?

I need to join business meeting, our development team is in New York, there are some important projects, we want to talk face to face

2. 去美国哪个公司?Which company are you going to in the US?

Its name is bytedance.It is an Internet company that mainly develops various mobile applications.

3. 美方邀请人是谁?Who is the inviter?


4. 去美国哪个城市?Which city in the US to go to?What city is the inviting company in?

New York,this is my invitation letter.

5. 打算什么时候去?什么时候回来?去多长时间?How long do you intend to stay in the U.S.?

I plan to go USA for two weeks , on the 24th of next month.

6. 大致的日程安排?Can you introduce your travel plan in more detail?What is the specific content of going to the United States?


7. 这次旅行费用由谁来支付?Who will pay for your travel expenses this time?

My company.All expenses will be covered by my company

  二 关于美方公司的情况

1. 美国公司的名称公司地址总裁名字?

Its name is bytedance. it is in newyolk.

2. 美方公司的主要业务?

The main business is Tiktok application

3. 贵公司最早在什么时间什么地点和美方公司建立业务关系?


4. 贵公司和美国公司的业务关系?

Our company and American company are affiliated(əˈfɪlieɪtɪd) companies

5. 和美方公司业务关系证明?


6. 美方公司派人来过中国吗(美方公司何时派谁来过中国?到过贵公司吗?共同进行了哪些商务活动?)


  三 关于中国公司的情况

1. 公司的名字?where do you work ?Company name?


2. 何时成立?When was it established?

3. 现有多少员工?How many employees do Company have?

4. 主要业务?Main business?


  四 关于个人情况

1. 您在公司工作多久了?How long have you been with the company?

More than 1 year

2. 在公司担任的职务,收入是多少?What is your role in the company and what is your income?

PM,40 thousand and 1/month

3. 您的年龄?What is your age?


4. 结婚了吗? Are you married?


5. 爱人在国内做什么?

6. 有孩子吗?


7. 您有亲戚朋友在美国吗?Do you have relatives or friends in the United States?


8. 以前出过国吗?到过那些国家和地区?Have you been abroad before? Been to those countries and regions? Have you been to America before?

I traveled to Japan and Malaysia Five years ago

9.你的户籍所在地是哪里?Where is your domicile?Where is your hometown?where were you born?

Lu'an City, Anhui Province

10.你的学历是什么?你的专业是什么?What is your educational background? What is your major?

I have a University degree

My major is international politics and economy,Mainly study the history of various countries

11.你有存款吗?Do you have a deposit?

Yes,I have. Here is my income details



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: